Bittium Tactical LTE Access Point™
The Bittium Tactical LTE Access Point is a connectivity option providing wireless LTE access to Bittium Tactical Wireless IP Network (TAC WIN) and bringing the high-speed multimedia data and VoIP services to troops in the field at a reasonable cost. Bittium Tactical...
Maser at MilCIS 2016
Maser Defence and Cobham Antenna Systems will be exhibiting at the upcoming MilCIS 2016 Conference in Canberra from 8th-10th Nov on Booth 56. Maser will be showcasing the following products; Trivec Antennas We will have representative products from the Trivec range on...
Kappa Optronics at VISION 2016 Show
Kappa Optronics, specialists in application-specific cameras, cordially invites you to VISION. They will be in Hall 1, Booth F43, November 8-10th 2016 in Stuttgart and will demonstrate the new FDC project camera with USB3 Vision or GigE Vision as well as streaming IP...