Maser Defence and Cobham Antenna Systems will be sharing a booth at this years MilCIS exhibition and conference in Canberra on 14th-16th November. Please visit us on booth 50D.

Equipment on show will include;

The GD2049 advanced multiport antenna with two VHF and one UHF port. All ports can be used simultaneously and the antenna features high isolation between elements.

The ICE multi-radio interference cancellation system restores radio performance and operational range. It facilitates enhanced frequency planning for operations, enabling a significantly greater number of useable radio channels for a given spectrum allocation.

The Explorer 540 Inmarsat BGAN M2M and cellular 2G/3G/LTE terminal allows the user to select the best available network.

The Explorer 710 High-Speed, Portable BGAN Terminal featuring native Plug & Play HDR Bonding for streaming rates above 1Mbps. Users to connect their own smart phones for voice calling and connectivity.

4 and 8 channel Anti-Jam GPS for Land and Airborne applications.

TacSat antennas from Trivec and Cobham; these include MUOS compatible versions of current in-service antennas and the new antennas such as the 2365 rigid radome antenna from Cobham Antenna Systems.

The Aviator UAV 200 is a lightweight Inmarsat Class 4 system designed for use in UAVs.

Maser also offers a wide range of solutions including deployable hybrid power systems, remote medical equipment , cameras and mast systems.

For more information please contact us at or visit us on the Maser/Cobham booth at MilCIS.