Reliable, cutting edge solutions for first responders…


Maser’s Humanitarian solutions are rugged, portable and easy to set-up by untrained staff. Often based on military equipment, these solutions are designed to withstand transport over any terrain in almost any type of vehicle and still be operational on arrival.

Solutions and Applications

Remote Medicine

Being able to determine the correct course of action is essential in the first few hours after a medical incident. This ensures the best patient outcome and avoids unnecessary and costly evacuations.
Providing the appropriate medical care to people living and working in remote environments is vitally important and Scotty’s live video streaming systems can be used over almost any communications infrastructure.

Medical Care
Determining the correct course of action is essential in the first few hours after a medical incident. This ensures the best patient outcome and avoids unnecessary and costly evacuations. Providing the appropriate medical care to people living and working in remote environments is vitally important and SCOTTY’s live video streaming systems can be used over almost any communications infrastructure. This allows specialists located anywhere in the world to diagnose medical problems and ensure the appropriate action is taken, and at a price far below the cost of a single evacuation (typically $150,000). Operating costs can be minimised without risk to personnel or patients.


In particular, remote medicine involves:

  • Vital signs monitoring Tele-radiology (transmission of an X-ray)
  • Tele-dermatology (transmission of a close-up picture of a patch of diseased skin)
  • Tele-endoscopy (used for the visual inspection of internal organs)
  • Tele-consultation
  • Tele-pathology
  • Access to medical information
  • Tele-education
  • Remote archiving
  • Cooperative support


Additional Medical Equipment
Additional equipment can be added to the SCOTTY system to provide tailored solutions. In addition to the equipment listed below, Maser has demonstrated dedicated medical equipment including the ProPaq MD from Zoll.


Wolfvision Document Camera

WolfVision’s portable Visualizers can be set up in seconds. A gentle tug lifts the arm and light into the working position, then turn the camera head to the desired viewing angle. Just as easily, it folds back into its compact size with just one pull on the centre ring, to be neatly stored during or after use.

All WolfVision Visualizers have a special crystalline white working surface for perfect reproduction of transparencies. The quality of a transparency on this surface is even better than with a bottom light, because there is more contrast and the colours are not “washed out”.

By removing the external lens, the camera can switch from a document camera to a full HD camera. Still images of the patient can be taken (e.g. close-ups of a damaged area) and annotated with important patient information before being transmitted to a remote viewer, or stored on the SCOTTY system.

The Visualizer alone weighs only 4.5kg (10lbs). Together with its carrying case, remote control and power pack it is still only 7.3kg (16lbs). WolfVision’s portable Visualizers come in a high quality carrying case, with pockets for all the needed accessories. The soft case has an expandable side pocket for a small LCD projector or notebook.


This high quality CCD camera combines a high-speed, quiet pan/tilt with a wide- angle view and 40x zoom (10x optical + 4x digital), all in a compact, easy-to-use package. This camera’s small size makes it easy to position where it can provide the use useful viewpoint. When driven remotely by the SCOTTY system, several camera positions and zoom settings can be stored, and the camera can be rapidly switched between each stored position by the remote user (e.g. patient close-up view, patient wide view, and vital signs display on other medical equipment). This allows the remote viewer to look at the relevant view as needed while allowing the medic on the scene to concentrate on the patient.

The EVI- D100 camera features auto focus, auto white balance and automatic exposure control that provide fast and stable hands free operation when the camera changes pan/tilt positions.

First Response

Replacing vital infrastructure is one of the highest priorities for first responders. By providing portable solutions which are rugged and quick and easy to set up, Maser is able to provide solutions which enable first responders to be effective very quickly.

Situation Awareness
SCOTTY’s live video streaming system can be used to stream video over a variety of bearers including 3G/4G, Internet, ISDN, INMARSAT BGAN, Ku-band and Ka-Band services. High definition stills can be piggy backed over the video stream without interruption of the video signal. Where operators need to be on the ground, live video from helmet mounted cameras can be streamed back to control centres so that the appropriate information can be fed to the operator. Two-way audio communications is available throughout.



Sydney Head Office

p: +61 2 9452 6062

e: defence@maser.com.au

a: 9/15B Rodborough Rd
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086