
Maser Service Assurance is part of the Maser Australia group, which is a trusted provider of advanced technology solutions sourced from our network of leading international suppliers across the telecommunications, enterprise, industrial and defence sectors. Maser’s business is comprised of 6 key service streams including RF Solutions, Network iQ, Service Assurance, Cable, LED Solutions and Defence.

Our Service Assurance division specialises in tools to assist mobile operators with benchmarking (network and devices), device testing, drive testing, analytics and reporting, network monitoring and customer experience.

With over 30 years of industry experience, Maser service a wide-ranging customer base including key mobile operators, major ISP’s, state and federal government departments, emergency services, utilities, major industries. Maser provides our customers with extensive market and product expertise, quality, reliability, diversity, specialised services and advance technologies, allowing us to provide our end customers with the best solution to meet their requirements, no matter how challenging.

Contact Maser


Head Office

p: +61 2 9452 6062

e: [email protected]

a: 9/15B Rodborough Rd
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086


p: +61 2 9452 6062

e: [email protected]

a: 4 Kerr Court, Rowville VIC 3178


p +61 2 9452 6062

e: [email protected]

a: 9c Bilston St, Stafford QLD 4053