Maser announce distribution agreement with Ligman Evolve Pty Ltd

Maser are excited to announce our new partnership with LIGMAN Evolve Pty Ltd for the sale and marketing of their world class leading EVOLUTION product range, which will enable us to provide clients with a series of scalable communication enclosure platforms suitable...

Multiwave Smart Aligner System

Multiwave’s Smart Aligner System is the most advanced antenna alignment system on the market. The system provides carriers, contractors, auditors and tower operators with convenience, easy portability, and verifiable reporting for antenna alignment, which will...

Maser at Melbourne Comms Day 2019

Maser recently attended the Melbourne Communications Day (CommsDay) Summit 2019 at the Sheraton. We were once again official sponsor of the Barista coffee cart and Peter Liversidge from our partner Alpha Wireless presented a paper on 5G network densification. If you...

Maser at Comms Day 2019

Maser’s RF Solutions team have spent the last 2 days attending Comms Day 2019, running from 8th to 9th April at The Westin Hotel in Sydney. Our sponsorship of the coffee cart proved a huge hit and gave us plenty of opportunity for networking!! if you would like...