“Duar-Line’s SILCORE Smooth Wall Duct
SILICORE® is a solid lubricant patented by Dura-Line that is co-extruded with a tough and durable High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) jacket. The SILICORE® ultra slick permanent lining remains for the life of the conduit providing constant lubrication for futurerepairs, replacements and upgrades. Dura-Line SILICORE Smooth Wall Duct is the perfect choice for Fibre Optic and copper cable networks.
Features & Benefits:
- Easier cable installation, SILICORE® lasts for the life of the duct
- Reduced coefficient of friction that does not diminish over time
- High volumes of air do not dry out lubricant or reduce efficiency
- SILICORE® supports blowing and pulling of cable through duct
Dura-Line is the world’s largest manufacturer of “Silicore” Permanently Solid Lubricated HDPE Ducts, Conduits and Fluid Pipe Systems. Specialising in Power and Gas Ducting solutions, Dura-Line/AD Technologies serves clients in over 120 Countries and the current manufacturing facilities of the company are located in United States, Mexico, Czech Republic and India.
For further information contact Maser Ph: 1300 130 722