Maser Now A Distributor For Helukabel

Maser has recently been appointed as a distributor of Helukabel. Helukable is an international leading manufacturer and supplier for a broad range of wire and cable, custom cable, preassembled cables, cable accessories, data and pre assembled cable protection systems...

NEW PRODUCT—Maser Catenary Wire

Now available from Maser, Maser Catenary Wire suitable for Antenna Masting and Data Cable. Part Number: M14CW180R 180M X 7/090 Overall O/D—2.7mm Complies with Standard AS2841 LAY: LHD Plating: Zinc Suitable for antenna mast guying and data cabling Call Maser today for...

Maser’s NEW Catalogue

Maser has launched its new catalogue this month. Containing more than 1000 different wire and cable products packed within 92 full-color pages, the new catalogue includes the complete Maser Group range. Contact your Maser sales rep today for your...

Maser DEKABON – The only choice for lead free cable

With growing concern over the environmental and health issues related to lead, end users are searching for a responsible alternative to lead sheathed cables without comprising the long term reliability of their cable. This concern has led a Victorian Oil Refinery to...