Universities - it's time to take back control of your networks and application performance

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How Education CIOs Can Take Control Of Their Networks & Application Experience

Education CIOs are operating in an increasingly complex environment and they need to be able to:

  •  Proactively identify degradation in the system before a student) or multiple students) do
  • Implement a remote fix without physical access to any legacy systems
  • Plan their IT evolution with a focus on user experienced excellence and efficiency

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Or call Kevin Redmond on
0410 535 845

Accedian’s Skylight for Higher Education is uniquely suited to help CIOs and their team manage these critical issues.

With Skylight, higher education CIOs are given full visibility across all types of network and application infrastructure, whether it’s physical, virtualized, software-defined or in the cloud. In all these cases, Skylight captures all network traffic between users and the infrastructure – North-South traffic – and between virtualized/container infrastructure resources – East-West traffic.

Network Optimisation

Book an Accedian Skylight Demonstration

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What Is The Cost of Downtime and MTTR?

Reducing MTTR (Mean Time To Resolution) is a key objective for network operators. Reducing MTTR directly contributes to an improved end-user QoE and cost savings.

Reducing MTTR is contingent on rapidly identifying the sources of performance degradations, which enables the appropriate IT team to undertake resolution, and this is where Accedian’s high-quality performance management solutions help network operators.

Like to know more about reducing MTTR?

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Reducing MTTR for Network Performance Issues
Network Optimisation

Like to pinpoint performance issues quickly?

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